GOLDEN CONURE (Guaruba guarouba)



15-30 yrs


Aviary or suspended cage, minimum length 3m (9.8 ft).


Cooked beans and pulses, boiled corn, sunflower seed – dry, soaked or sprouted, fruit such as: apple, orange, bananas, pomegranate, cactus fruits; vegetables such as: carrot, celery, green beans and peas in the pod; complete kibble; spray millet.


Provide overhead misters or shallow water bowls for bathing; foot toys, destructible (non-toxic) toys, non-destructible (non-toxic plastic) toys, food-finder toys, preening toys, different texture and size hanging perch toys; bird-safe, unsprayed flowering, fir, elder, pine or willow branches, push-and-pull toys (sliding up and down), vegetable tanned leather toys.

Category: Product ID: 1582


Colour Adult:

Both adults plumage bright yellow, primary, secondary and outer upper wing coverts dark green; yellow tail. Bill horn in colour. Bare, pink/white eye ring, eye brown.


Colour Juvenile:

As in adults but with dark green on cheeks and ear coverts; yellow crown, nape and upperparts, marked with dark green; underparts yellow; breast lightly marked with dull green; uppertail dark green marked yellow. Bill pink. Pale grey, bare eye ring.



Vibrant, high pitched note given singly or as many as 3-4 per second; during courtship a long strident note.  Voice in general softer than Aratinga conures.


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