
BLOSSOM-HEADED PARAKEET (Himalayapsitta roseata)

Original price was: $610.00.Current price is: $530.00.


15-20 yrs


Walk-in aviary, minimum length 3m (9.8 ft) or if in warm climate outside flight, 3 x 1 x 2m (9.8 x 3.3 x 6.5 ft) with shelter and roosting box.


Small seed mix such as: canary, millet, safflower and smaller amounts of oats, buckwheat; limited sunflower seed; spray millet; green leaves such as: Swiss chard, kale, lettuce, dandelion, chickweed; seeding grasses; rearing food made up of: hard-boiled egg, wholegrain bread and carrot; fruits such as: apple, orange, pear, cactus fruits, banana, pomegranate; vegetables such as: carrot, celery, peas and green beans, corn; complete kibble.


Provide chew branches (bird-safe wood only), vegetable tanned leather chew toys, area for bathing, socialization (to overcome shyness), room to fly in large aviary.

Category: Product ID: 1572


Colour Adult:

H.r. roseata: Male-forecrown, cheeks and ear coverts rosy pink; crown and nape pale blue/purple; chin black; broad band across lower cheeks black, extending as fine stripe around hindneck; brown/red spot on inner middle wing coverts; long central tail feathers blue tipped with pale yellow, the side tail feathers yellow/green tipped with pale yellow; upper mandible orange/yellow, lower bill dark grey. Eye pale yellow. Female-head dull blue/grey, collar dull yellow/green; red shoulder spot smaller; upper mandible yellow, lower bill dark grey.
H.r. juneae: Both adults as in roseata, but general body colour more yellow; more extensive red shoulder spot or patch; central tail feathers paler in colour, the side tail feathers more yellow.


Colour Juvenile:

Head coloured green; no shoulder patch seen; tail short. Bill pale yellow. Eye grey.



Calls described as soft, musical, much like Plum-headed Parakeet.


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